
Dr. David Quenzer, PT, DPT

“Fixing ____ Pain” Through Neuromuscular Manual Therapy at Your Workplace or Home in Fresno & Clovis While Protecting Against Re-Injury

  • Traditional Insurance physical therapy (PT) often takes too long (months) for patients to see lasting results. This is likely because those therapists although friendly, are not working for you, their patient, they are working to capitalize on the per-visit payment from your insurance. In reality, it is not in their financial interest to get you better faster as they wish to maximize the amount of visits per diagnosis.

    Practically, Given a knee injury, a traditional PT will request to see you for as many visits as your insurance allows often 16 or 24 visits spanning 3 months.

    However, there is another way…

  • Stuck waiting weeks for an appointment? Frustrated by navigating insurance hurdles of authorization? Skip physician referrals and lengthy wait times: I see most clients in-person within 3 days after their free Discovery Call.

    YOU lead the way: YOU define your desired health and wellness goals, collaborating with me to create a personalized plan.

    Direct results, direct payment: Pay directly for your therapy, ensuring your investment goes towards achieving YOUR goals, not navigating insurance complexities.

    I Focus on your wellbeing: Receive hands-on, personalized therapy designed to empower you and optimize your physical and mental wellness.

    Don’t leave your health and longevity up to insurance and the preferences of a referring physician. Take control of your health today. Experience the comprehensive approach in achieving the goals YOU desire through Rethink PT & Wellness

    Schedule Your Free 15 Min Discovery Call

  • Highlights below, click for complete list.

    Head/Neck (Instability or stenosis)

    Diabetic Neuropathy reversal to gain sensation in your feet for balance

    Back (Disc herniation, kyphosis, scoliosis)

    Knee clicking and instability

    Pelvis (Walking asymmetry, poor balance, instability)

    Poor bowel motility (viscera mobilization and scar mobility following abdominal surgery)

    Plantar Fasciitis

    Bunion Reversal Without Surgery

  • Schedule a no pressure 15min discovery call with me, Dr. David PT, DPT. Only if I can confidently help you achieve your pain reversal/movement goals we will move forward, performing an in-person comprehensive head to (big) toe total body assessment at your workplace or home addressing sleep quality and neck pain to reversing heel pain or bunions and as much in between as you find valuable.

    If you choose to work with us, we are a MOBILE clinic serving you wherever is most convenient i.e your workplace, home, even along the trail you run. Working with us should look and feel entirely different compared to any previous PT experience.


Work With Me:

(559) 549-6282

Mailing Address: 1187 N Willow Ave #103-860
Clovis, CA 93611